Why use a Mortgage Broker?
Your bank very rarely gives you the best rates and products. Most homeowners renew their mortgage every four or five years automatically, so they rarely receive the best rates and programs. Since Dominion Lending Centres send lenders millions of dollars of new business each month, they always offer us the deepest discounts which I pass that on to you – whether you are purchasing, refinancing or renewing.
Our application process is simple and quick. I’ll just take a little info and send it electronically to the lenders that I feel are the best fit for your situation; I should have some feedback later that day or the next!
I take one credit bureau only and forward it to all the lenders! Many people inadvertently disqualify themselves from getting the best rate when they are shopping for a mortgage. When multiple banks pull a credit bureau, your Beacon score drops every time, sometimes eliminating the chance for the best mortgage or a mortgage at all!
There’s a mortgage product available for almost everyone now. When a person’s situation isn’t ideal, there’s usually a story about why; maybe they changed jobs, maybe they went through a divorce or another life-altering event and their credit was affected. It is my job to tell your story to the lender that will qualify you.
Call me today to get started 905-252-0501